Thursday, September 13, 2007


**Today ,I and my sister will go to Central (Bangna ) to receive my passport at a branch of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I will go to there before 15.30pm. because the office have be closed. My farther will go to see us at there, too. He will go to there because I and my younger sister are minors so they cannot submit for my passport by our self. When I am twenty years old ,I will can submit for my passport my myself and I can do everything which are legal act by myself and I do not ask for my parent ‘s permission before do all legal act.

***A code of Thai civil law, Section 21 impose a stipulation
“All the legal acts which minor do If do not receive consentience from legal representative. All the legal act will be voided."
In the Abac's Library.

1 comment:

Jasper said...

Short , but OK post. The other posts on food aren't what I wanted though. I told you that before... No general topic posts unless they relate to your daily activities and then only as a supporting text..