Friday, August 24, 2007

Rapee Day (In conclusion)

On Wednesday 22 August, 2007

**Now, I stay at my bedroom. At 17.00-18.00 p.m. I had examined Economics Quiz .Yesterday I had examined English 2 Quiz. All two Quizzes were hardly quizzes!!. I could not do the English quizzes because I cannot understand the questions in the fourth and fifth questions. I suppose my result English examination is not satisfied result. On Thursday I will know the examination result.
**Next, I mention to the abilities of Prince Rapee Pattanasak are related from last Personal record of Prince Rapee.
The establishment of regulation of the court of justice.
In the Buddhist Eras 2473, Prince Rapee returned to Thailand. The fifth reigns who was his father and the king of Thailand. The king ordered him to practice his abilities and experiences in Department of a king’s private secretary. He intended and attended to work his work. He was an intellectuality. Not long after, he could work in Department of the king‘s private secretary he can work in all positions, especially to write the draft letters to offer the king. He could write the excellent letters which the king was satisfied very much.
**Prince Rapee was a government official to be a minister of state of Ministry of Justice on March 3, 2439 while he was twenty-two years old. So, he was the youngest minister of state of Thailand. When he took charge of minister of state of Ministry of Justice, he started to manage, amend and develop Minister of Justice system to better more than past. He developed the system into universal plan. The important thing, he established a regulation of court of justice by made the rules to control the Ministry of Justice and he increased the convenience of judgments.
**He improved the judgments and punishment system to have efficiency more than past. The rules could use to control from that time on. Until the Criminal Procedure
Code and Commercial procedure Code were issue by authority for enforcement in 2478.
In 2478, the King named Prince Rapee to be a member of board to check and decide the court cases of the Supreme Court. This committee was called “The Supreme Court Committee” to be the highest Court of Thailand but did not belong to Ministry of Justice. Afterward the court was developed to be the Supreme Court up to now.

**The Reformation of Thai Law
In 2440,the fifth reigns named Prince Rapee to be the President of the draft regulation committee to develop the law of Thailand equaled other law of aboard. Those were the law for the Organization of Court of Justice, the criminal procedure law, the civil procedure law, the civil code and the law of criminal (R.E.127) (R.E=Ratanakosin Era).Afterward, the committee was to be a Department of draft the laws and developed to be “Juridical council” in the present.
The Foundation to learn the Thai law
Prince Rapee was the famous person who established a foundation of Thai law. He started to establish the law in B.E 2440 for produced the lawyers to be a law government official. At the beginning, he taught the law students by himself. He divided one’s time to teach after his lunch time.
**Afterward, the final examination of the Bar Association. The nine students passed the examination to be the barrister-at-law, the government official and allocated his work to do. In B.E.2454, within the sixth reigns, the king was announce to increase the grade of law school to be the royal school belong to Ministry of Justice until in 2491,the official of learning the law of the Bar Association and progress up to now. He also wrote many the law textbooks and the textbooks which used to learn at that time and became to be the foundation of law textbooks later.
**Prince Rapee Pattanasak was the lawyer model. All the lawyers were honestly respect to him because the rest of his life he exerted all possible effort for the benefits of the country with his honest. He is the lawyer model maybe say the least for three abilities made he was the lawyer model.
**Prince Rapee Pattanasak was named his rank to be brother of king on November 11, 2455 during the sixth reigns. He was death at Paris on August 7, 2463 in his forty and seven years old. So, August 7 in every years was establish to be
“Rapee Day”

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