Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Legal Philosophy

On Monday 18 September, 2007
At 2:39 Am.

My impression is Legal Philosophy subjects are the method to interpret legislations. When I learn this subject I feel love to learn very much.

The method to interpret the law is fundamentally. The foundational problem of legal philosophy in three types.

1.What is law?
2.How does it come to be binding?
3.What principles should guide the legislation?

I think the way to consider the law in the legal philosophy process is an interesting. It is not to consider only in the provision of law. You must consider to an inside objection of law. And the important issue of law what is the justice .the ways to interpret law have in many ways according t o each school of law such as Natural law school has interpreted the law is natural law . Human do not make law but can discover by use reasonable and law and justice cannot become parted. Law and justice always exist together. But Positive law school interprets the law has made by human and must get always from moral. Justice has occurred by law.
The considerations to interpret what is the law is has many ways so, its make me to think in difference way. Such as in simple way , t a pen is something which used to wrote in the paper but sometimes a pen can become to be a weapon if used its to stab somebody ,however if you stab somebody because you want to do harm someone that is negative way to use the pen in the difference way but if you used a pen to protect yourself from someone who want to harm you ,you can stab the person. So, you do not a guilty that is positive way to use the pen in the difference way.

……….I think the consideration in something can think in many way that is make many develop in many things .Someone who can think in the different way that is someone who can develop something???…………

All the things what should to be ,depend on what do you think its should to be??

Thank you !!

On Monday 18 September, 2007
At 2:39 Am.

**Now, I until review my books for the final test. I just connected to internet for 10 minutes.To repeat the summaries of BG2403 and BG 1022 in www.kms.au.edu Thank you very much my teacher for your comment. I am sorry very much .I do my diary in the wrong method.

In my bed room.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


**Today ,I and my sister will go to Central (Bangna ) to receive my passport at a branch of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I will go to there before 15.30pm. because the office have be closed. My farther will go to see us at there, too. He will go to there because I and my younger sister are minors so they cannot submit for my passport by our self. When I am twenty years old ,I will can submit for my passport my myself and I can do everything which are legal act by myself and I do not ask for my parent ‘s permission before do all legal act.

***A code of Thai civil law, Section 21 impose a stipulation
“All the legal acts which minor do If do not receive consentience from legal representative. All the legal act will be voided."
In the Abac's Library.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

>>>In the early morning

I wake up in the early morning because my youngest sister must pre –registry all courses for the second term, so I must help her to pre-registry in the internet. Last night I went to sleep about four pm. So, I want to go bed very much. However I cannot go to sleep because I must review the books.ummmm…….

At internet café.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Busy Time

In this morning, I had got up in the early morning .I had a Criminal <1> subject to learn at eight o’clock to twelve o’clock. I was very busy because I must make up Ethic subject at eleven o’clock and should pre-registration all the subjects for the second semester. Time was conflict. Now the time is nearly to 14 pm .I will go to English class .Today has the trial to consider I am a jury. I will consider the case pros or cons.

In the Library of ABAC

Saturday, September 8, 2007

After this week?

I have only two weeks for read the books before I have the final examinations. Now I must read the books everyday. This term I have few subjects to learn, so I have enough time to repeat my books. But I always feel anxious very much when closed to the examination’s days .I am worrying about English subject too much because my scores are not satisfied scores. I am worrying if I cannot pass the English Examination that was the badly time for me. To fail an exam that is the very big problem.

However, nobody can help you everything. Nobody can help you to pass the exam if you do not intend to learn and do not repeat the books. Nobody can help you anytime and any problems. You must try to do first by yourself. Sometimes, you cannot do something and somebody can help you, however nobody can help you to do every thing every time and all the time.

If you want something. You will do something.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

The inquest

*****On September 10 ,2007 ,In English class I and my Friends will try to prosecute the inquest. I think it is exiting. I am a jury member. Everybody has each role to be .Namwhan and Neay will be two witnesses. They are still discussing about the event of the story case.****

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Northeast Thai Food

Northeast Thai Food

**Like Thai food of the north, Thai food of the northeast has steamed glutinous rice as a staple base to be taken with spiced ground meat with red pork blood, papaya salad or som tom, roasted fish, roasted chicken, jim-jaem, and rotted fish or pla rah. The northeast prefer to have their meat fried and the meat could be frog, lizard, snake, rice field rat, large red ants, insects etc. Pork, beef and chicken are preferred by well to do families.

**Food is taken from the dishes is taken with steamed glutinous rice contained in a wicker basket (katib) made in the peculiar style of the northeastern people.

Thai South Food

Thai South Food

**Thai South Food tends to be exceedingly chili hot compared with Thai food from other regions of Thailand. Specially favored dishes of the south are a whole variety of gang (spiced soup or curry) for examples, gang liang, gang tai pla, and budu sauce. Boiled rice mixed in budu sauce known as khao yam is a delicatessen of the southern people. Salty is taste, khao yam is taken with an assortment of vegetable. Considered special ties of the south are sataw, med riang and look niang.

**Sataw is a green pod when stripped reveals green berries. Strawberries sometimes chopped into thin slices are cooked with meat and chili or simply added to any gang or maybe boiled with other vegetable in coconut milk, or taken raw with chili sauce. The berries can be preserved by pickling and eaten without further cooking.

Thai Central Food

Thai Central Food

**The Thai in the central region have adopted spoon and fork and a common ditching spoon as the standard cutlery set for Thai meals. Dishes, boiled rice and drinking water are laid on the dinning table and for the family which can afford the service of a maid, will be replenished by a waiting maid as the meal progresses. Less well to do families may do without shared spoons together, and family members take food from the dish by their own spoons.

**Thai meal of the central region are vegetable, namprik (chili sauce), platoo (local herring), and perhaps omelette (Thai style), fried beef of roasted pork. On the whole Thai meal should meet protein and vitamin requirements with plenty to spare

Thai Northern Food

Thai Northern Food

**The northern people are known to follow their traditions in a very strict and faithful manner, in particular the tradition of serving and partaking of the evening meal. Food is placed in small cups placed on "kantoke" .Served together with "kantoke" is steamed glutinous rice that is the staple food of the northerner packed in a wicker basket. There is also a kendi containing drinking water nearby. Water is poured from the kendi to a silver drinking cup from which water is drunk.

**The common meal includes steamed glutinous rice, chili sauces which come in a host of varieties, such as "namprik noom", "namprik dang", "namprik ong" and chili soups (gang) such as gang hangle, gang hoh, gang kae. In addition there are also, local sausages such as sai ua, and nham; steamed meat, roasted pork, fried pig's skin, fried pork, fried chicken and vegetable to go with them.

fired pig's skin

local sausages

Traditional eating

ition eating

Friday, August 31, 2007

Historical of namprik

**Professionals of agriculture believe that the capsicums or called Chili and Prik (Thailand) came to Thailand about 400 years ago. So,Namprik (chili sauce) should be assumed a first plant that people of Siam (In the past, Thailand called Siam) adopt the chili suitable for the cultural Thai food. Make use of namprik to relate the important resources of us those are rice, fish, and vegetable in the country. namprik can make we eat more vegetables and the taste of rice and fish are deliciously more. An interesting is the valued nutrition when we eat rice, vegetables with namprik that we will get carbohydrate from rice, protein from fish and many vitamins and element from assortment of vegetable in an area.
**The present time of new trend and the free trade policy under the policy of WTO (World Trade Organization) and the agreements of FTA and other many countries are impacted to the cultural Thai consumption.
**The new trend of consumption makes the cultural consumption of Thai change. Especially, the necessity of eating Jung food in the rush hour work, the cultural food of West nations (Fast food) through all foods ready to eat, such as canned food and quick noodle.
**The searchers discover the younger people decrease to eat namprik and the amount of people who can prick namprik is decreased. The problem remarkable increase caused consumes more meat and fat. The research result within country between 2539-2544 finds the children of age below 6 years is increased fat 40 percentages.
**At present, the amount of People who until eat namprik eat a few kinds of namprik .The favorable namprik is namprik kapi(namprik shrimp paste) 54.5 %,namprik plara(namprik fermented fish)12.6%,and orther namprik noom, ,namprink tadang namprik platoo namprik narok and namprik ong.
**In fact, Thailand has plentifully kinds of namprik. According to the recourses of food project within not much of months and research in 35 areas, can gather 191 kinds of namprik.The free trade policy ,especially in agriculture is impacted to ingredients of namprik and Thai food are differenced. For an example, China garlic and Chaina onion are imported to Thailand and to be an ingredient in namprik and somtum(a sour relish with sliced papaya) in Thai kitchen. The Thai farmers about more than thousands who used to plant garlic need to plant other plants.
**The important thing is when we are realized many usefulness of namprik,we will realize kindness of agriculturalists, farmers , fishermen and other rural people in Thailand for keep natural resources, original Thai food and Thai cultural.
**Next I will mention to many kinds of namprik.

Monday, August 27, 2007

**My happiness

**Today I just get A grade from English Oral Test. I always get C or C + from the examinations and B or B- from Oral Test. A- is very surprised me. I do not supposed I will get its. I like to study English language, although I cannot talk or write its well. I am realized English language is important language. So, I intend to learn. Today I tell news about kind of Thai Namprik, Thai herbals and variety of Thai vegetable.
**So, next times I will present you to know the culture of Thai people to eat Chile dips or called “Namprik” which are healthy food.

Chille Dips or Namprik

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sister's Birthday

On Thursday 25 August, 2007

On 23 August is my youngest sister .I surprised her with a little cake. I did not have other gifts for her . I waited her return to our bedroom, she returned to our bedroom at three o’clock (am.).She thought I forgot her birthday because I surprised her very lately. We also sang a birthday song, together. She was very happy. I was very happy, too.

Happy birthday….. To my sister

At MaxCats Coffee-Café….

Friday, August 24, 2007

Rapee Day (In conclusion)

On Wednesday 22 August, 2007

**Now, I stay at my bedroom. At 17.00-18.00 p.m. I had examined Economics Quiz .Yesterday I had examined English 2 Quiz. All two Quizzes were hardly quizzes!!. I could not do the English quizzes because I cannot understand the questions in the fourth and fifth questions. I suppose my result English examination is not satisfied result. On Thursday I will know the examination result.
**Next, I mention to the abilities of Prince Rapee Pattanasak are related from last Personal record of Prince Rapee.
The establishment of regulation of the court of justice.
In the Buddhist Eras 2473, Prince Rapee returned to Thailand. The fifth reigns who was his father and the king of Thailand. The king ordered him to practice his abilities and experiences in Department of a king’s private secretary. He intended and attended to work his work. He was an intellectuality. Not long after, he could work in Department of the king‘s private secretary he can work in all positions, especially to write the draft letters to offer the king. He could write the excellent letters which the king was satisfied very much.
**Prince Rapee was a government official to be a minister of state of Ministry of Justice on March 3, 2439 while he was twenty-two years old. So, he was the youngest minister of state of Thailand. When he took charge of minister of state of Ministry of Justice, he started to manage, amend and develop Minister of Justice system to better more than past. He developed the system into universal plan. The important thing, he established a regulation of court of justice by made the rules to control the Ministry of Justice and he increased the convenience of judgments.
**He improved the judgments and punishment system to have efficiency more than past. The rules could use to control from that time on. Until the Criminal Procedure
Code and Commercial procedure Code were issue by authority for enforcement in 2478.
In 2478, the King named Prince Rapee to be a member of board to check and decide the court cases of the Supreme Court. This committee was called “The Supreme Court Committee” to be the highest Court of Thailand but did not belong to Ministry of Justice. Afterward the court was developed to be the Supreme Court up to now.

**The Reformation of Thai Law
In 2440,the fifth reigns named Prince Rapee to be the President of the draft regulation committee to develop the law of Thailand equaled other law of aboard. Those were the law for the Organization of Court of Justice, the criminal procedure law, the civil procedure law, the civil code and the law of criminal (R.E.127) (R.E=Ratanakosin Era).Afterward, the committee was to be a Department of draft the laws and developed to be “Juridical council” in the present.
The Foundation to learn the Thai law
Prince Rapee was the famous person who established a foundation of Thai law. He started to establish the law in B.E 2440 for produced the lawyers to be a law government official. At the beginning, he taught the law students by himself. He divided one’s time to teach after his lunch time.
**Afterward, the final examination of the Bar Association. The nine students passed the examination to be the barrister-at-law, the government official and allocated his work to do. In B.E.2454, within the sixth reigns, the king was announce to increase the grade of law school to be the royal school belong to Ministry of Justice until in 2491,the official of learning the law of the Bar Association and progress up to now. He also wrote many the law textbooks and the textbooks which used to learn at that time and became to be the foundation of law textbooks later.
**Prince Rapee Pattanasak was the lawyer model. All the lawyers were honestly respect to him because the rest of his life he exerted all possible effort for the benefits of the country with his honest. He is the lawyer model maybe say the least for three abilities made he was the lawyer model.
**Prince Rapee Pattanasak was named his rank to be brother of king on November 11, 2455 during the sixth reigns. He was death at Paris on August 7, 2463 in his forty and seven years old. So, August 7 in every years was establish to be
“Rapee Day”

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Mother's Day

Monday 13 August, 2007
Today I have two subjects to learn. The first subject is the criminal subject and the second subject is the English for law 2.Today I notice the university have a few of students. Because yesterday is the Mother’s day and many students should go to their home to meet their mother. Normally, other schools, universities and officials will not go to study and work because the mother’s day is an official holiday. However Assumption University has not close on this day. My teacher tells to the students in English class that officials have the holidays but the students and teacher of Abac do not officials, so we do not have the holiday.
**On Friday 10 August I and the youngest sister and oldest brother were returning to our home. My mother has happiness when her children returned to home. This Mother’s day we bought the wrist watch to our mother. Her golden wrist watch become to silver wrist watch. She said to us she did not want to buy a new wrist watch because of waste of money. I think she is the best mother. She must to do very hard work to support us to learn at Assumption University. An expense and tuition fee of the university is very expensive, so she must work to make much money to support us. She rarely buys something to hers. She makes much money but she does not want to use its. She always tells to us she does everything for us. She can do all hardly works because she wants her children have happiness. And the one thing that she always asks us to do that she wishes her children are the good.
**When we gave the new golden wrist watch to her, she was very surprised. We also have happiness when saw our mother has happiness. All the wealth things in this world cannot compare with the love of mother. The favors of mother cannot require all obligations because her favors are plentifully. All the thing of all the time in my life I will return all the best things to her .So I try to learn to make my mother has happiness and does not make she feels disappointed and discouraged.
**On Mother’s day is at the right time to express your love to your mother because somebody maybe shy to express one’s love to their mother. So, today is the right time to do its. You can express your love to your mother in many ways ,such as to hug your mother when you return to home, to write your thoughts and feeling to tell her you love her if you cannot say to your mother by yourself ,to buy a gift to your mother or return to home to have a dinner with her in this day those are some ways to express your love to your mother. I hope all children will love their mother likes her love her children.
**Finally, I wish my mother have a good health and happiness. Loves my mother**

The picture of Prince Rapee Pattanasak

The Father of Model Thai Legal System.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

**Rapee day (2)

Personal Record of Prince Rapee Pattanasak
“The father of modern Thai legal system”
**His Royal highness Prince Rapee Pattanasak is a son of royalty of king Chulalongkorn (the fifth reigns).to give birth on Wednesday the Buddhist Era1217, and he is the first of a member of the royal family “Rapeepat”
**For recall and admire his honour ,so I bring his personal records and his duties of Prince Rapee Pattanasak which related to the law .Dissemination about four matters those are the study of the law system, the establishment of legal foundation, the arrangement of the course of justice and the reformation of the Thai legal system.
**I think I am a law student. So, I want to express my respect to the father of modern Thai legal system by recall his abities by promote him in my diary.And I think his personal record make me to understand the historical of law and make me know many new law vocabularies. Learning about his personal record make me know the law of Thailand more than past and improve my proud to be a law Thai student.
The First Person Record “The learning of law”
**When Prince Rapee Pattanasak was graduated in Thai and English subjects from the school of Thailand in 2431(the Buddhist Era). He went to learn in the high school at London England .After that, he examined a entrance examination to learn in Faculty of Law of Cyrcourt College of Oxford University with his seventeen years old. Because of his great abilities and attention to learn, so he could pass the examinations. He received the bachelor’s degree in Faculty of Law within three years from four years.
From the beginning , he intended that when he graduated from Oxford University, he intended to learn at a law school of the Bar Association of England. To learning the judgments of the law court and when he completed, he went to learn in the next level at German. But he could not act according to his plan because the fifth reigns was King Chulalongkorn called him returned to work in Thai government. So, he must returned to Thailand in B.E.2436(Ratanakosin Era 112).
Although, he had a great abilities of science of law of aboard, but he did not know clearly the law of Thailand. Because he went to learn at aboard since he was young. So, he did not know all the law of Thailand well.
**Therefore, he learnt the law of Thailand with Mom Luang Rolang Yukmanks or called him “Phraya Apaiyaracha” who was a Beligium lawyer. He was an Thai Government advisor. Prince Rapee learnt from the law textbooks which Doctor Bradley was written. He was interesting to learn the Thai law very much until he was a profound and penetrating in the Thai law, and he completed his education in a short time. Phraya Apaiyaracha admired him about a great quantity of abilities of Prince Rapee pattanasak. Prince learnt the Thai law because he must governed Thai government to according to the way of Thai law and for he understood the foundation of Thai law.
***Next time ,I will mention to other abilities of Prince Rapee. But at this time I will go to learn Philosophy of law (LA 3506)***
***The last for my family….I love my Family .
***And I hope Thailand is peaceful country.
***And I love the King

*Rapee day(1)

**I am in my bedroom. The clock at wall shows time 11:30 (A.M.).At 8 o’clocks. I have a criminal subject .Normally, the subject will started from 8 o’ clocks to 12 o’clocks but today my teacher has the activity of Faculty of Law. Because tomorrow is an important day . The freshmen of Faculty of Law will go to Sanam Luang to lay a wreathe at the statue of Prince Rapee Pattanasak.
The Faculty of Law of Assumption University is planning to observe Rapee Day on August 7 of every year. All lawyers of Thailand and all persons who are related in the law circle to make the activities to express their respect and recall his activities. The Day is called “Rapee Day”.
**Prince Rapee Pattanasak is the lawyers who adhered to legal justice principle. He is the famous person who developed and reformed the legal system of Thailand to good progression. He established many things which related to Law. He had many legal achievements, such as established the legal school, and he was the law teacher. He taught the Law subject by himself. His purpose was making many people to comprehend the lawyer. He arranged the formality of the court of justice to new progression. He collected all statues of law and final judgments; moreover he wrote many legal textbooks for explain the law. His activities were important foundation for learn the law in Thailand. He made many benefits for Thailand.
**Tomorrow is August 7, 2007 my younger sister is a law freshman. She will go to the Statue of Prince Rapee Pattanasak to lay a wreathe at Sanam Luang with her law freshmen and law teachers. Last year August 7, 2006 I and my law freshmen’s friends went to Sanam Luang to lay a wreathe at the Statue of Prince Rapee, too.
**I think Rapee Day is an important day for all lawyers and all law students. Prince Rapee Pattanasak as the father of modern Thai legal system. I am very proud to born to be Thai and proud of my faculty of law very much.
Tomorrow I will mention to his personal record since he was born, went to study at England and return to Thailand to develop and reform the legal system of Thailand.
***I will write my draft of diary in my notebook and will make on webpage when I go to the university because my room do not have internet ,so I cannot use internet all day but I try to update my diary on webpage when I go to the university. My dormitory do not have internet. But I will pay a rent with expensive cost. I thing it does not fairness.

***Now I am in the library of Assumption University at the internet room.****

Thursday, August 2, 2007


Areeya Panchalermchai 4918810

Today I has started to write my diary. It do not hard to do.My dormitory does not have Internet ,so I must connect to TOT to connect internet line to my room.

I think write diary on Website. It ' Ok.